Hello in LaserTankpedia!

LaserTank is probably one of the most difficult and the most extensive free logic games in the world available on the official website: LaserTankpedia is an encyclopedia containing a lot of information about the game: data of 20 850 levels with screenshots divided into 13 collections and 6 levels of difficulty, 1638 pages about sequels and series, statistics of 1 417 authors of levels and 190 record-holders, links to solutions for many levels.

LaserTankpedia is designed for mobile devices and computers.

      LaserTankpedia contains:
      - 104 index pages,
      - 1 613 statistics pages,
      - 4 310 pages of the list of boards,
      - 20 850 pages with boards.
      - 835 categories.
      A total of 27 749 pages.
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LaserTank is the game from the heart.

Copyrigtht © Zdobywca Aneta Kuczkowska